Stadtführung: die Universität Greifswald wurde 1456 gegründet
Preisträger 2017
einfach aber gemeinschaftlich
alt aber nicht verstaubt
Greifswalder Dom Finalrunde
I’m singing in the rain …
Let’s dance … da kommt der Regenschauer gerade recht
gemeinsam Singen aus reiner Freude
Finale in der Kirche St. Jacobi
Stadtführung vor dem Rathaus
cantateBach! liebt seine Sängerinnen und Sänger
Das Bachwochenorchester begleitet die Finalisten
Auch Preise teilen macht Spaß
Sie waren mit dabei … Hauptrunde 2015
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About Us

The international singing competition for church music was held in Greifswald for the first time in 2011. Since then, it has taken place every two years with great resonance among professional young singers from all over the world. The event is under the patronage of the Prime Minister of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.


The I FÖRDERVEREIN I KUNSTUNDKULTUR I HANSESTADT GREIFSWALD I, together with the Board of Trustees of the Greifswald Bach Week, decided to add a new facet to the traditional music festival in the form of this singing competition. Both events were intended to cross-fertilize each other. It is planned that the winners of the competition will participate as soloists at the opening of the Bach Week. The competition is a pure singing competition.


All singers of soprano, alto, tenor and bass between the ages of 18 and 29 are cordially invited to participate in the competition. Excluded are prizewinners of the previous International Singing Competitions cantateBach! in Greifswald.


The special feature of the Greifswald competition philosophy is the symbiosis of outstanding artistic quality, connection to the Greifswald Bach Week as the sacred music festival of the north and a good community of participants from many cultures and nations despite their competitive situation.


The last component is supported by the organizing I FÖRDERVEREIN I KUNSTUNDKULTUR I HANSESTADT GREIFSWALD I, among other things, by organizing a joint accommodation of the participants, a shuttle service between the accommodation, rehearsal and performance venue, a joint city tour and a joint meal. The response of the participants of all previous competitions is extremely pleasing and confirms the unique selling point of the Greifswald competition through this special atmosphere.


The competition is financed by regional companies, private donors, the state M-V, the NDR and the city of Greifswald.