Greifswald Bach Week

The 78th Greifswalder Bachwoche took place from June 3th to 9th 2024. The Festival of Sacred Music in the North has the motto “Bach romantic” and is dedicated to the rediscovery of Bach's music in the Romantic period: as Bach Week's contribution to Greifswald's anniversary celebrations for Caspar David Friedrich's 250th birthday. The highlight is the performance of Bach's St. Matthew Passion in Mendelssohn Bartholdy's version on June 8, 2024. The conclusion will be a festive service on June 9th, 2024 at 10 a.m. in the cathedral with Bishop Tilman Jeremias.
cantateBach! 2024

May 31th - June second
After the record number of participants in the 2022 competition, we and the friends of sacred music are looking forward to the singing festival in June 2024! The year 2024 in Greifswald will be marked by the 250th birthday of the city's most famous son, Caspar David Friedrich. In addition to Johann Sebastian Bach, the competition program will also focus on romantic literature. Mendelssohn's Elias and arias from the St. Matthew Passion characterize the program of the main round.
Foundation Art & Culture

The I FÖRDERVEREIN I KUNSTUNDKULTUR I HANSESTADT GREIFSWALD I organizes the International Singing Competition. In 2010, at the suggestion of the then Artistic Director of the Greifswald Bach Week, Jochen A. Modeß, the Executive Board decided to add this facet to the cultural life of the Hanseatic city. Get to know us and find out about the association and our activities.